Computer Science Superheroes

Computer Science Superheroes are those that have made a significant impact on the world using computer science. Although we know of computer science as programming languages, that is not what it is all about. Anything from the binary the computers use to communicate with each other, up to the actual parts of a computer is under the long wing of computer science.

One major computer science superhero is Larry Page. Larry Page was born on March 26th , 1979 and he is still alive at the age of 49. He has a bachelors of computer engineering from the University of Michigan and a masters in computer science from Standford University. He is known for his main accomplishment of co founding google along with his friend Sergey Brin. Along with cofounding google, he also founded Alphabet Inc. the parent company of google and he has helped co create many of googles products like Gmail, Docs, Slides, etc.
Larry Page

Another major computer science superhero is Alan Turring. Alan Turring was born on 23rd June, 1912 and passed away at the age of 41 on 7th June 1954. He was known for his main accomplishment of creating the Turring Machine. The Turring Machine was the world's first computer and wrote marks /ticks on paper to do calculations. This helped him solve basic questions of what a computer is able to solve. Along with this, he is also known for helping in World War 2 by breaking the Enigma code.
Alan Turring

In adition to the other two wonderful computer science superheroes, another one is Sir Timothy J. Berners Lee. Timothy J. Berners Lee was born on 8th June 1955 and he is still alive at age 67. He graduated from the Queens College at Oxfords University in 1976. He is most known for inventing the World Wide Web in 1990. Other smaller accomplishments inventing the HTTP protocol, Webpages, and the HTML language.
Tim Berners Lee